

Our software is free but running the project is not, so we raise funds via public and corporate donations and a small number of other initiatives. Below are our current funding goals:

  • Hosting expenses: The project uses virtual servers at Digital Ocean to support the website, forums, software distribution and other tasks. Current operating costs are moderate, but as we extend hosting to more community builders we are starting to use a lot of disk space and bandwidth. We are also exploring DevOps integrations to automate development processes which requires higher spec machines. The project funds hosting expenses from donations. If you are thinking about using Digital Ocean services please click through to their website using our affiliate link and once you spend $25 we earn a referral credit towards our costs.

  • Trademarking expenses: The project is in the process of Trademark registration in several main geographic areas to ensure we have control over how our name is used. Fees must be paid up-front and are approximately US $4,000-5,000 to cover the US/EU regions alone. It is better to complete these registrations sooner, so this is our primary current goal.

  • Foundation expenses: The project receives amazing pro-bono legal support from the Software Freedom Law Centre but we will incur various registration and legal fees/costs in the move towards non-profit status. It is unlikely that we establish our own non-profit entity and more likely that we use the services of an existing non-profit entity structured to provide status and management support to multiple open-source projects. Such services are free, but to ensure the long-term existence of the umbrella entity and be a good tenant we should contribute towards its operating costs.

  • Conference expenses: The project would like to send project representatives to annual events like Kodi DevCon and regional user-group events that raise our profile and promote Open Source Software development.


LibreELEC accepts personal donations via PayPal as it allows us to track payment activity with email notifications seen by multiple people to ensure basic oversight and accountability on funds. It doesn’t matter how much you donate, it all helps, and we promise 100% of the funds received go towards our funding goals. If you include a LibreELEC forum username or email address in donation comments we will tag your forum account as a project donor.

Please send Paypal donations to donations@libreelec.tv or use the button below.


The project has no commercial sponsors and does not enter into formal financial partnerships. This ensures we remain neutral and can work with everyone in the ecosystem around us on equal terms.

The project encourages the companies who use our free software in their products or services to contribute back to the project. We have non-profit ideals and prefer human and code contributions over financial donations. We will accept samples of hardware to help with testing, but prefer when manufacturers task their staff to get involved and work alongside us to ensure their products are well supported. We accept financial donations, but prefer to receive a small percentage of sales each month or quarter instead of lump-sum payments. Regular donations help our (and your) cash-flow, and we share in the success of your business.

Please note: If you donate the project has no obligation to promote or recommend your product or service. If you donate you may advertise that you donate and may detail how you donate. You may not refer to yourself  as a sponsor or any form of donation as sponsorship of the project.

If you would like to provide corporate support to the project or make a corporate financial donation please contact us on donations@libreelec.tv first.